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High on machismo, low on substance

Filed under: interventionists

Yet, all the fantasies of neoconservatives and liberal interventionists will not bring to pass a new global “empire of freedom”, least of all one in which only “we” have nuclear weapons. Smaller states such as North Korea do not seek nuclear arsenals …


Has SA business been building skyscrapers along a sandy cliff edge?

Filed under: interventionists

Each of the past three centuries has produced an economist who dramatically changed the world, Smith, Marx and Keynes. Yet the lessons learned from real world tests of their views are dismissed by the ANC's lead interventionists. Such policy makers …


Exit Susan Rice

Filed under: interventionists

She was one of the Clintonite interventionists who became an Obama interventionist. She had investments in Keystone XL; she was a key voice for the Libya NFZ, which wasn't immediately popular on the left. But Republicans did go after her, which means …
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