Marriage Counseling Scam?
Question by sethwhat: marriage counseling scam?
my wife and i are looking for a marriage counselor. we called a few places and found one guy who seemed ok. so we pre-interviewed and both told him all kinds of intimate details about our relationship. then we found out that he wanted to do everything by phone. it sounded like a scam to me, like he was going to take our money and we’d just have a “counselor” on the phone to talk to.
we decided we weren’t comfortable with this, and found a place that we can actually sit down with a counselor, but i’m very uneasy about the other guy now. we told him all kinds of private things, and he’s got our phone number and address.
i tried researching him online afterwards, and can’t find any info about him, except a livejournal page (unprofessional) where a bunch of people are asking him to stop friending them. (spammer?)
is this “counseling by phone” legitimate? should i make a complaint to someone? who would i complain to about something like that?
state = florida, if that matters.
Best answer:
Answer by Dee M
Contact the better business beareau and find out if he is licensed.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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