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Marijuana Addiction


Marijuana Addiction – Re-Edit of a public domain anti-drug video from the 50’s.


10 things medical marijuana won't tell you

Filed under: marijuana addiction

Instead, doctors are legally allowed to “recommend” marijuana for a patient, and they often charge a fee of $ 150 to $ 300 per recommendation, says Charles O'Brien, a psychiatrist and director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Studies of …
Read more on MarketWatch


Is super weed, super bad?

Filed under: marijuana addiction

"There's an increase in psych admissions," says Dr. Stuart Gitlow, a psychiatrist who estimates that upwards of 1 in 100 people using high-THC marijuana experience psychotic symptoms. As president of the American Society for Addiction Medicine, Gitlow …
Read more on CNN


CNN Gupta defends medical marijuana but drug abuse debate continues

Filed under: marijuana addiction

Although CNN chief medical correspondent and physician Sanjay Gupta has changed his strong opposition of medical marijuana, drug abuse experts feel that the debate needs to continue, reported USA Today on August 11. The ongoing controversy …