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Lucas Catton: About the Narconon Drug Rehabilitation Program


Lucas Catton: About the Narconon Drug Rehabilitation Program


Best Drug Rehabilitation CEO Per Wickstrom Interviews Herman Moore and

Filed under: drug rehabilitation program

Imagination Heals, which was co-launched by Best Drug Rehabilitation and BALANCE Edutainment, is a groundbreaking program that combines music, stories and art in order to entertain and educate hospitalized children across the US. “Herman, Sean and I …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Substance-abuse treatment program goals bring Republican Chris Christie

Filed under: drug rehabilitation program

The New Jersey Republican governor appeared on Wednesday with former Garden State governor Jim McGreevey, a Democrat, at a local jail to meet with a group of incarcerated women participating in a substance-abuse-treatment program. RELATED: JIM …
Read more on New York Daily News


'Love & Hip Hop's' Lil' Scrappy to check into drug rehab

Filed under: drug rehabilitation program

Richardson will undergo a 30-day rehab program at an unnamed private facility somewhere in the metro area, his attorney, Mawuli Mel Davis, said. Richardson faces possible revocation of his probation for failing a court-ordered drug screening last week.
Read more on Atlanta Journal Constitution