LOSS of a LOVED ONE “Don’T Cry for Me” (A Special Message From Your Departed Loved One..)
LOSS OF A LOVED ONE “Don’t Cry For Me” (a special message from your departed loved one..) – MP3 DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE at www.cdbaby.com on my new “Soothing Messages for the Soul” Album “Don’t Cry for Me” is a song of comfort for those who have lost a loved one. CD’s, DVD’s, Sheet Music, Background Tracks, Lyric Sheets, and Chord Charts are available for this song at: www.libbyallensongs.com – when you visit, just click on the ORDER CD tab at the top! I am so blessed that God gave me this song to share with you. If you’re watching this video, you have probably lost someone very close and dear to you, and my heart goes out to you. God gave me this song in January of 2009 for Duane Clark, a grieving widow who had just lost her husband and soulmate of 57 years. My song was written in memory of Fred Clark; my brother, Mark Allen; and my best friend Mitzi Colvin. I’ve been led to create this video to be able to share my song with more people so if you know of someone who would benefit from hearing my song and/or watching this video, please feel free to post the youtube link into your facebook and/or other social networking site, and to forward it to your friends and/or relatives. I am humbled to know that God chose me to give this special message to help those who are grieving. I took most of the photos that appear on the video but also want to thank my friends who contributed photos. To obtain a copy of the song “Don’t Cry for Me” on CD or DVD, or to obtain the background track, sheet music, or chord chart, visit my official website at libbyallensongs.com Be sure to …
Notre Dame's Manti Te'o mourns loss of 2 loved ones in 2 days
Filed under: loss of loved one
School officials say that within the span of 48 hours this week, the All-American linebacker from Laie has mourned the deaths of his maternal grandmother and his girlfriend. "He lost some people very close to him and it's obviously taken a toll on him …
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Manti Te'o to Play Saturday Despite Loss of Two Loved Ones
Filed under: loss of loved one
Manti Te'o to Play Saturday Despite Loss of Two Loved Ones. Some days it gets so hard to keep moving forward when you lose someone close. Every day is a constant struggle to be happy. #lifeisntfair — TJ Jones, September 12, 2012 @lennaykay you will …
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