Lolalyn Clarke of UMDNJ Provides Mental Health Counseling to Returning New Jersey Vets
Lolalyn Clarke of UMDNJ provides mental health counseling to returning New Jersey vets – The ongoing effort to assist New Jersey’s returning veterans as they readjust to civilian life continued on Saturday April 10, at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway. Speaking in the days leading up to this gathering, Lolalyn Clarke of UMDNJ-University Behavioral HealthCare described her role as a volunteer mental health counselor for returning members of the New Jersey Army National Guard. The sessions on April 10 were organized by the New Jersey Veterans Helpline program, a joint effort by UMDNJs University Behavioral HealthCare unit and the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. Partners also included New Jersey Veterans Centers as well as the Governors Council on Mental Health Stigma, which will distribute materials from the Life Doesnt Have to be a Battlefield campaign that addresses the issue of mental health stigma in the military.
Officials keep watch on Newtown donations
Filed under: mental health counseling
But Newtown Selectman Will Rodgers says the town has compiled a preliminary eight-page list of other groups that have been raising money to pay for everything from funerals to mental health counseling for first responders to a permanent memorial or a …
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