Is There Any Free Online Therapists?
Question by bobcatseric: Is there any free online therapists?
I need a person to talk to and I don’t want to spend any money on it. But I want someone to help me with my problem.
Best answer:
Answer by RWPossum
There is free online cognitive therapy for mood disorders in the form of a computer program called MoodGYM. There is person to person online counseling, but it’s not free.
Please don’t assume that you can’t afford therapy. If you take the trouble and look around, you might be surprised. Therapy is often administered as group therapy, and that can be very helpful and it’s much less expensive than therapy for one. You can start your search by calling 211 for your local United Way and googling “affordable psychotherapy” + your city.
If you’re afraid that you’re going to hurt yourself, call 911.
Although it’s not for everybody, self help has been shown to be useful; for many people with mild to moderate depression. Here are two very good books:
The Feeling Good Handbook by Burns
The Depression Cure by Ilardi
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