Is There a Difference Between “Family Therapy” and “Mental Health Counseling”?
Question by EILISHA: Is There a Difference Between “Family Therapy” and “Mental Health Counseling”?
I am going to go to UMASS (university of Massachusetts online) I am going to complete the entire program online.
I am wondering about the difference between the two.
If you understand it, please explain it to me. Thanks
p.s. I live in Tennessee…
Best answer:
Answer by Bill
Must be some pretty lanscape down there in Tenn.
Yes, Mental health counseling is general counseling concerned with just that. That is usually there is one person who receives the therapy; it is individual.
Family counseling is usually concerned, more specifically, with family relationships, husband to wife, parents to kids, siblings to each other. It can vary quite a bit. But when there is a need, this can become individual and often does.
I wouldn’t get family counseling unless I have family relations problems.
Individual (mental health) counseling is for me alone. Family therapy can be for me but in relation to family relationships.
But keep in mind these categories can be used in a variety of ways, mean different things. But generally this (above) is what they mean.
If a man has a problem with loneliness, he could get mental health counseling. But if he is having problems with his wife, that takes a counselor with different skills, in the area of family therapy (Usually a “Marriage and Family Counselor”).
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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