Is My Wife’s Behavior “normal” for Being Pregnant With Multiples?
Question by BeatTheGib: Is my wife’s behavior “normal” for being pregnant with multiples?
We had planned on her getting pregnant, but not with multiples. We are both stressed. She is exhibiting behavior that seems to be consistent with depression. She sleeps quite a bit later than normal, doesn’t interact the way that she usually does, and generally doesn’t seem excited or happy. I’m very concerned about her. This behavior genuinely upsets me. I want her and us to be happy. Is this behavior normal? I know she doesn’t feel well and I try to do as much as possible for her and our family. What else can I do to help her and make her feel better?
Best answer:
Answer by LeeLynn
I would talk to her Doctor…let her know that you are corncerned!
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