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Is It True That the Chick-Fil-a Franchise Helps Fund and Supports “conversion/reparative” Therapy on LGBT’s?

Question by NeoJoe: Is it true that the Chick-fil-A franchise helps fund and supports “conversion/reparative” therapy on LGBT’s?
Gosh, Chick-fil-A is so darn good to eat at, but if this is true then I want nothing to do with them anymore.

I read an article on the Internet ( ) and it said basically that they help fund and support a foundation called “Focus on the Family” and part of that foundation is to do research on and perform conversion therapy on LGBT’s. From what I understand, the kind of therapy that they use is a form of mental and physical abuse that they put people through – whether they want to be put through it or not.

They shock subjects and induce stuff such as nausea and vomiting while they are being exposed to same-sex erotic images. Not just that but make them do other things that they don’t want to do, such as make them avoid activities considered of interest to homosexuals, attend sports (in order to ‘toughen them up’ I guess), increase time spent with more heterosexual people (in order to learn to mimic heterosexual male ways of walking, talking, and interacting with other heterosexuals) then engage in heterosexual intercourse and ultimately get married to the opposite sex. Wouldn’t that just make somebody miserable?

They basically try and break homosexual people down, almost treat them as if they were in hell – it sounds like.

The effects, obviously, that this can have on people are: “negative social and emotional consequences such as self-reports of anger, anxiety, confusion, depression, grief, guilt, hopelessness, deteriorated relationships with family, loss of social support, loss of faith, poor self-image, social isolation, intimacy difficulties, intrusive imagery, suicidal ideation, self-hatred, and sexual dysfunction.”

But for example, a very religious and homophobic family may force their gay son or daughter to take part in this kind of abusive therapy and that’s mainly who I imagine being put through it. I believe that the stuff that they would put you through is inhumane and a form of abuse so I don’t condone supporting such a thing if this is true.

Sorry about this being kind of long but I think more people need to know about this. I can’t believe that Chick-fil-A of all franchises supports such a horrible thing. Perhaps there will be protest against it one day and Chick-fil-A will quit funding it.

Best answer:

Answer by Hildo
Thank you for bringing this subject up. Like Domino’s Pizza, they have a long track record of supporting extreme right wing causes. It’s important for us to know where our money goes!

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