IS “Excessive Gambling” / “Gambling Addiction” a SOCIAL INJUSTICE?
Question by kevin45: IS “Excessive Gambling” / “Gambling Addiction” a SOCIAL INJUSTICE?
if so, how ?
like does it break the wheel of life ?
how does the catholic church view it ?
Best answer:
Answer by ZCT
Excessive gambling is basically a person who lacks the self control to gamble in a reasonable way, within their means.
It would only really be a social injustice if people were forced to gamble or constantly encouraged to do so. But they are not. Gambling is a free choice, so if people choose to participate and lose a bunch of money, it is hardly a social injustice.
It would be like me whining that I am broke having just purchased my summer clothes from Prada, Armani and Gucci. Yes it would be nice to do that, but I can’t afford to be spending that kind of money. If I do it anyway, it is not a social injustice it is just me being irresponsible.
As for the catholic church, I’m not sure how that is relevant to a free society.
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