Is Adoption the Right Road for Me to Take?
Question by Dominique Rose: Is adoption the right road for me to take?
Hey I’m not sure if this is normal but im 20 weeks pregnant and all the doubt and emotions are just coming through me. I’m 19 which I know is young. I got pregnant by a man who I thought was different, he persuaded me to keep the baby and then turned on me and even hit me while knowing I wa pregnant. Now here we are and I’m alone and love the hell out of this baby & I don’t know what road to take now. I’m poor always have been growing up. I live In the ghetto with my family, I wouldn’t call the house very clean either. My family supported me at first with the baby but they also doubt like crazy. I don’t have a car and my mom can barely afford to send me to school to further my education which I’d love to do. I was adopted myself and I know the questions and frustration I had growing up about who my real parents were. And I never understood why they gave me up. I see now that they, like I feel now, want the child to have more then what they can offer. That’s how I feel I want this child to have the world and I know I can love it eith everything in me because I already do and I don’t even know what I’m having yet. I just dont know If I can give them the best of the best. I feel like I need help and I just don’t know what to do anymore.
Best answer:
Answer by Mary
Only you can answer this question, I’m afraid. We can give you all the opinions we want and it’ll still come down to what you feel is right for your baby. What kind of resources are available to help you parent? There are many families waiting to adopt, and there’s no doubt you could find a great one to raise your baby. I would suggest contacting a social worker who can help you sort through the options. Good luck!
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