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Insomnia, the Night Before a Midterm, How to Perform Normally?

Question by Vacuum Scam: Insomnia, the night before a midterm, how to perform normally?
Im fairly confident with the content, ive done well up until this point. Im not sure if it’s stress, or something I ate before before sleeping, but I got less than 3 hours sleep, and I have a midterm in the morning. If I take my time, and really focus, im sure Ill do fine still, but Im looking for any “recovery” tips to ensure this. I’ll be having an extra cup of coffee, but anything else? Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Toasty!
Alcohol to take the edge off. 😛

Also sleep more. Sleep trumps studying the night before an exam for me. You’ll be able to think better after you’ve given your brain some rest.

Good luck and don’t over think your answers.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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