If You Work at Any Shelter Could You Tell Me About Your Job?
Question by holla: If you work at any shelter could you tell me about your job?
What is your education/background?How did you determine a need for the program?what population participates in the program?
Best answer:
Answer by Too Funny
I was a fill-in Case Manager, at a shelter for battered
women and children.
It was my job to interview the clients and do follow-up
work, with them, to see that all their needs were met,
upon being released, and to make sure that the location
they would be moving to, would be a safe one.
I also, Founded / Direct 2 Ministry Outreach Services…
and distribute food items to people of impoverished
situations, as items become available…
The Need for this type of Service is Universal…for there
are many individuals on “fixed incomes” and need some
type of Supplemental Services / Products..for proper
health maintenance, and survival…
Educational background, no Degrees…Experienced..
On-the-Job-Training, and Willingness to Learn.
From time to time, some people join me in this effort..
I have a “Natural Talent for this type of Community Service”
I wouldn’t mind having a Residential Center for the Home-
less, or Temporary Shelter, and I am buying a house, for
just that purpose, but have to many ”irons in the fire” to
get that done right now…
I was a Certified Nursing Assistant in 3 States and did
Specialize in Caring for elderly who broke bones..
I’m good at the Founding / Directing part, and never had
any training in that or counseling, but my aptitude, shows
that I’m good in Counseling and in Services to Elderly,
Homeless Families, and People with ”limited abilities”.
At any job, you want to assist with the people, to help
them feel secure, and safe, and healthy as possible.
I like the work of a Community Kitchen, where the people
of the Street can have some hot meals.
When working in a shelter, a worker might be doing
multiple job duties…
What do you think? Answer below!
Epic Bahavioral Healthcare | Community Services in St Augustine – staugustine.firstcoastnews.com EPIC Behavioral Healthcare was established in 1973 as a community-based non-profit organization. Licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Families, EPIC was created to provide substance abuse prevention, intervention, outpatient treatment and aftercare services. EPIC also provides mental health counseling services under the supervision of licensed professionals. In addition, EPIC is an affiliate organization of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. 12503430 Counseling, Therapy, St Augustine, Florida, WTLV
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