If I Simply Want to Offer Massage Service in California, Is There Any Regulations?
by kafka4prez
Question by yakennyhoo: If I simply want to offer massage service in California, is there any regulations?
My objective is to offer massage service with the least bit of involvement in regulatory red tape etc. I am not necessarily planning to offer massage “therapy” where I do see a heightened need for regulation etc. (I am aware of California Massage Therapy Council). I am talking about massage for relaxation, gen. stress relief etc. I would of course be interested in self-study, training etc. to benefit myself and the massage recipients / my potential clients.
Would love to hear from someone who is actually doing this. What are the prospects for making a decent living at this?
Best answer:
Answer by Mio
Should I go to school tomorrow?
At the start of the week I had a really sore throat but it wasn’t like coughing it was more just swollen. I could barely talk or swallow anything. I was also getting bad headaches and head rush. I stayed off Monday, Tuesday and today. The thing is, the head-aches have gone, I’ve just got a bit of earache, and my throat still hurts on and off. Say if I don’t have anything to drink for a bit or if I don’t have a lozenges for a while it gets worse again. For the past 2 days, it has been really bad in the morning, but has cleared up by about 2/3 o’ clock. So I don’t want to go to school and make it worse, and I don’t want to go to school feeling rubbish. But if I stay off and I get better, my mam will think I’m lying. To be honest though, if I stay of tomorrow I’ll probably stay off on Friday. Sorry for all the writing but what do I do????
all answers are appreciated
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