If All Christians Convert to Islam, and All Muslims Convert to Christianity, What Would Be Accomplished?
Question by up.tobat: If all Christians convert to Islam, and all Muslims convert to Christianity, what would be accomplished?
Do you see the futility in this?
I know this is hypothetical and impossible. I’m just taking the circular route to making a point on futility.
Best answer:
Answer by ryacosta89
absolutly nothing…
What do you think? Answer below!
Processing Grief – d.
Lawrence Khong's misreading of the FAQs on homosexuality – an issue of …
Filed under: steps of grief
Reading the online debates that have ensued as a result of the Health Promotion Board's (HPB) FAQs on sexuality has given me great grief. Before the …. Interestingly, these steps of prevention are no different for either heterosexual or homosexual …
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IT HAPPENED TO ME: I Survived Witnessing My Partner's Suicide
Filed under: steps of grief
I tried to talk him down, but it didn't work — he scurried up another flight of steps. My heart pounding and voice shaking, … Over the next few years, I struggled with alternating waves of grief, shock, anger, and sadness. The unthinkable had …
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Narendra Modi's 'chai pe charcha' with voters
Filed under: steps of grief
They attend funerals and marriages in their constituencies… share happiness and grief of people. And all MLAs and MPs , from all parties do this…politics is not how it used to be… it is like walking on a sword's edge… Feb 12, 2014. 18:18 (IST …
Read more on NDTV (blog)
We march on…
Filed under: steps of grief
During the March we would customarily stop at the steps of the old Vancouver Police Station to listen and to share inspirational speeches and calls to action from women's organizations. I remember how the community — a diverse grouping of Elders …
Read more on rabble.ca (blog)