If a Woman Loses Her Baby, Is It Rude to Not Say Anything or Are You Supposed to Send a Card?
Question by Spaz: If a woman loses her baby, is it rude to not say anything or are you supposed to send a card?
When my mom lost her baby no one said anything. Not my grandmother or her sisters in law or anything. Was that rude or are you supposed to not say anything? Do you send like a “Sorry for your loss” card?
Best answer:
Answer by Poppy: Jack’s mommy!
I think it is inconsiderate considering her family said nothing to her. Those are the people you’d expect to say something to you. Other people, such as co-workers may feel awkward – many people are at a loss for words when a death takes place and cannot handle the situation (I know this personally from when my father died). But if it were me I’d expect my close family and friends to say something.
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Another Poem For My Babies, Miscarriage/Baby Loss Poem. – a few feelings i have towards my losses are described in this poem, feel free to share this video if you or someone you know has lost a baby also. To everyon…
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