Iep Diploma Worthles??
Question by seifer1237490: iep diploma worthles??
i graduated recentlly with an IEP diploma.
i have heard you cant go into college with that? i had VESID but they dropped my case because *i was not ready for college*
well i am trying to apply for a college for computer enginering but i was wondering if its worth it?
also i heard its hard to get a job with an IEP is that true? i am on SSI and would like to work part-time but peaple are telling me my chances are real low on getting a job.
what are some of the other disadvantages of an IEP diploma?
Best answer:
Answer by Tapestry6
Go to technical school for computer engineering.. college is worthless for technical subjects. My son is getting a Bachelor’s degree from ITT tech tonight, apply for all the grants you can its worth the education and you wont’ have to take worthless subjects like cultural basket weaving to graduate like they make you do at the community college. Solid core subjects like math, science, and above all, the stuff you need to be a real network tech.
BTW my son was homeschooled a diploma from a correspondence school got him in… I am sure your diploma isn’t worthless call a counselor its a 1-800 number.. look it up in for your area.
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