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I Need Help W/ My Alcoholism..just Some Questions?

Question by Katrina: i need help w/ my alcoholism..just some questions?
there is an aa meeting starting in an hour…i need only 21 but my drinking is causing me to lose my best friend, family, and now my boyfriend…when i start drinking i just cant stop…and i cant go 1 day without drinking…does AA really work? what do i say? i feel ashamed and embarassed and i know every1 there is prolly really supportive but i dont know how to start off talking about my situation…i really wanna get better, will AA work? also how long are the meetings? i feel so ashamed of myself idk wat to do anymore..i cant believe i just turned 21 and i been an alcoholic for 2 years..i feel UN-

Best answer:

Answer by Lola
First off, it’s so good that you recognize that you have a problem. Most addicts don’t realize that until it’s too late. You should feel so good about yourself, that you are voluntarily going to get help, instead of letting your life spiral out of control.

AA does work, but not necessarily the first time. As with any support program, it’s success is dependant on your regular attendance at meetings – maybe even every day. They’re usually about an hour long, and it won’t be hard to find one near your home.

You are taking your first step towards a healthier, happier life. Don’t hate on yourself so much – everybody has flaws, and it shows great personal strength and quality of character for you to go to these meetings unprompted. Good luck with your journey!

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