I Have Been, What My Mom Calls “Dealing With Depression” and I Was Wondering How You Deal?
Question by Bad luck blonde: I have been, what my mom calls “dealing with depression” and i was wondering how you deal?
If your depressed or were before could you tell me how you cope?
And in reference to some of the comments, yes i have cut and yes i know its a bad idea.
Best answer:
Answer by Destiny…..
You can’t leave depression untreated. It will gradually start to get worse, if you do. (I’m talking from experience) I was depressed for the longest time, and the best thing I did was that I went to the doctors to find out if I was actually going through depression. If the doctor diagnoses you with depression, you would need to be put on medication. There could be other ways to deal with it, but only a doctor would know. I suggest you talk to one.
Another thing that I always tried to do, was get out more. I forced myself to go out with family or friends, because staying in by yourself isn’t helping. Be with other people. The worst thing when you’re depressed is being alone. Try and go out more, think positive.. and whenever you’re feeling down about something try and do something to get that off your mind. Whenever I had that feeling of depression, I always exercised because that kept my mind off things.
Good luck.
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Dealing with Depression & Anxiety – A video blog that I hope will help people dealing with depression and anxiety disorder. I dealt with my own personal demons in the past and I hope that other people watching this will be inspired to help themselves and gain a new perspective on their issues. It’s important to recognize that your not alone and that their are people, services, organizations and professionals who can help you. Talk to your friends and family and your doctor and remember that you are a significant person who deserves to be happy and deserves to get the most out of life. Be strong.
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