How Well Do Alcohol Recovery Programs Actually Work?
Question by almintaka: How well do alcohol recovery programs actually work?
Hi Everyone,
Alcoholics Anonymous (“AA”, spiritual), Rational Recovery (“RR”, cognitive), SMART (cognitive), Save Ourselves (“SOS”, cognitive) and other alcohol recovery programs all claim varying levels of success in helping alcoholics on the road to recovery. However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding their claims, as even a quick search on the internet will reveal. Viewing this chaos of opinions from “outside the box”, it certainly seems as though they’re all blowing smoke. Anecdotal arguments are used, tabloid-style quotations are touted as being authentic, and “my way or the highway” rationalizing is often used. One thing they all have in common is that apparently none of them has a handle on real statistics (though I could be wrong here; I just haven’t found any). In addition, independent studies (NIAA, Dawson) have shown that these programs are no more successful than no program at all. What’s your opion? Do one or more of these programs work better than nothing?
Best answer:
Answer by Rachel
I think any recovery program works only as well as the time & persistance the addict puts into staying clean.
What do you think? Answer below!
SWANSEA LOVE STORY 1 DRUGS AND ALCOHOL RECOVERY WALES & UNITED KINGDOM – SWANSEA LOVE STORY In 2009, Swansea drug agencies reported a 180 percent rise in heroin use, and it’s visible on the city’s streets. Early one morning we meet a young, homeless couple named Amy and Cornelius in a city centre alley. As heroin-addicted alcoholics, they’re smack in the middle of two of South Wales’s most ever-present epidemics. Heroin addiction is plaguing our society as heroin addicts have to fund their heroin habits. The path of addiction start much earlier on in someone’s life. Cigarettes are definitely a gateway drug and normally opens the door to cannabis. I really believe that cannabis is the most deceptive drug that there is. We all know that heroin kills people yet cannabis sends a message that it is an okay drug, well it is not. For most heroin users once the heroin is out of their system they then have to learn recovery techniques to overcome their habitual practises and remain consequence free from the drug. Yet when you give up cannabis the THC in the drug deposits itself in brain cells and you can suffer from flashbacks and panic attacks years later. Cannabis is not a safe drug…Cannabis is not a safe drug… Cannabis is not a safe drug….This video is designed to encourage you whether you live in Wales, England, Ireland , Scotland or anyone of those countries in the “United kingdom” or even mainland Europe. There is no part of the United Kingdom that is unaffected by drugs, from cannabis to heroin. If you are either addicted to or affected by …
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The Recovering Overeater
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For him, recovery is an ongoing process with constant temptations to revert to old behavior. But this vigilance to maintain abstinence from alcohol or nicotine does not seem to extend to many who have completed a weight-loss program.
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