How to Disappear From Your Life?
Question by sam550: How to disappear from your life?
Hello, I am in a financial crisis and have had enough. I am 28yrs old, with a 2 year techincal degree and have been unable to find any employment for a LONG TIME, I dont have to money to go back to school and I dont have a good credit score and collateral to take out a loan, I want to dissapper from my life, but I dont know how. I am very depressed and have though about suicide, I need help,
I am going to a therapist but that doesnt change my bank account
Could I go into the military or maybe even get on a cruise ship, need help asap, I am a single guy and am over my hometown but I have no way out of it because of money and maybe education,
I am complete lost at 28/29 yrs old when I am suposed to be in the middle of a career and goind out every night, but I cant even get off the ground of my hometown due to personal and financial circumstances, WHAT DO I DO, HELPHELPHELP
Best answer:
Answer by Kimberly K
First I would recommend trying to think of 5 things to thank God for. Do you have a roof over your head? Are you healthy? Did you eat today? I am NOT trying to trivilize your situation at all! I’m just asking you to consider changing you channel for a few minutes. I was in a 15 year career, making 65k a year and one day I walked in and got fired. I have been out of work for 6 months and I have been through every emotion there is. When things get bad I turn to God, because I know that while I can’t see it, He has a plan for me. Nothing lasts forever and you will get through this. First, it’s only money. Two, don’t judge yourself because your not where “you think you should be”. Maybe your going through this trial, because there is something to learn, or somewhere God is trying to get you to. Please don’t give up. Yes, life is difficult, but if it weren’t for the difficult times, we wouldn’t know the joy of the good times. And there can be joy of coming out of a trial stronger than before. I have a talent for money management and credit repair (I’m in banking). When your ready, why don’t you e-mail me and we can try to formulate a plan to start getting you on the road to financial freedom. Hang in there. God loves you and so do I.
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