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How to Cope With Losing a Pet?

Question by Caty: How to cope with losing a pet?
Three weeks ago I had to put my dog to sleep that was turning 11 years old in the beginning of September because she got cancer in her throat. I was 12 when I got my dog and I had her since she was 8 weeks old. I am a only child and my dog became my best friend. When ever I was upset she jumped on the bed or sofa trying to lick me in the eye. People may think I am such a crybaby and weird but I am still crying over her. I held her in my arms when she took her last breath. After we came from the vet I didn’t cry but it wasn’t until I went to bed that I couldn’t stop crying. I feel like everyone expect me to be over my dog’s death. I seem fine during the day but sometimes I have moments that I start to cry. I miss my best friend. How do you cope with the losing your pet? I must seem mentally unstable for some people. One of my friends even asked me of life is wonderful just two days after I had lost my pet….

Best answer:

Answer by Justin
Get grief support from a local shrink. And cry because crying is good think about all the good moments you had with your pet and watch movies.

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Sid Korpi’s Pet Loss Presentation: The Lesson of the Squirrels.MOV – I told this story to a group of veterinary technicians as part of my Pet Loss and the Pet Professional presentation at the MAVT/MVMA conference in Minneapoli…


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News in brief

Filed under: grieving the loss of a pet

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