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How Strict Are Immigration Officers About “Deemed Rehabilitation” When It Comes to Crossing the Canada Border?

by mira66

Question by voodoo: How strict are immigration officers about “deemed rehabilitation” when it comes to crossing the Canada border?
I am heading to Canada and don’t want to drive all the way to the border to find out that I can’t cross due to a criminal infraction about 8 years ago.

Best answer:

Answer by ali
strick. My man came from the us when he had no record and now that he got into a lil fight now he cant go back until he becomes a citizen here in canada. i know they give you a hard time about that, and you should phone your immigration for your province and ask them, thats the best advise i could give you, they would be the only ones to tell you whither or not you could pass…

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A Forever Recovery Reviews Alcohol Abuse Trends in the Elderly

Filed under: alcohol rehabilitation

Through such a thorough observation and a wide variety of treatment options, A Forever Recovery is able to help a diverse array of people enter recovery and separate themselves from drug or alcohol addiction. While the process of recovery is often …
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