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How Much Time Do We Have Until Obamacare Converts the US Into a Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland?

Question by Colonel Jack Fessender (Ret.): How much time do we have until Obamacare converts the US into a post-apocalyptic wasteland?
Filled with roving gangs, mutated animals, death squads, murderous robots, disease, crazy doctors who have to do medical services but can’t get a paycheck anymore and so they now murder people in order to make a living, CEOs having to resort to being muggers and gang leaders because they can’t make money, death panels patrolling the heartland looking to do a little “end-of-life counseling” on whoever they come across, death, starvation, etc.?

Best answer:

Answer by Average College Idiot
We probably have about 5 years before the decline becomes undeniable.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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