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How Do You Know When You’re Addicted?

Question by Alexis: How do you know when you’re addicted?
My boyfriend says hes addicted to cigarettes. He says hes tried to quit, but he can’t. I think it is a bunch of bullsh*t. I know that if I really wanted to stop something I could in a heartbeat. So, my question is, how do you know when you become addicted and I just don’t understand why you can’t just stop smoking?

Best answer:

Answer by tigertiger_ca
if you can’t stop….you’re addicted. Period.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug addiction rehabiliation program for adolescents – Portage – Portage drug addition rehabiliation – A testimonial by Tara, a graduate of Portage’s rehabilitation program for adolescents in Montréal’s West Island (Québec). Portage is a non-profit organisation with drug addiction rehabilitation centres across Canada. Freedom from addiction.