How Do You Get Diagnosed With Pathological Lying?
Question by Josh: How do you get diagnosed with pathological lying?
I believe I am a compulsive/pathological liar but I’m not sure how I can get properly diagnosed, that is, if I can. If I am able to, do I call my local medical centre, my counsellor or my GP?
Best answer:
Answer by Noah
Don’t do anything. I don’t believe you, I think you’re lying.
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Krissie’s Story of Recovery from Addiction to Opiates & Benzos – — Krissie Bergo’s addiction began when she developed carpel tunnel syndrome while working as a legal secretary. Thi…
Gulf Breeze Recovery Offers New Program for Ending Addiction
Filed under: recovery from addiction
Rather than subscribing to the traditional 12-step path of addiction, Gulf Breeze Recovery offers something completely different. Instead of focusing on what is wrong with a person and treating the symptoms, the therapists and counselors of Gulf …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
NH ranks 49th among states for access to alcohol, drug treatments
Filed under: recovery from addiction
But instead of killing himself, on June 6, 2012 McLoed began a monthlong stay at Southeastern New Hampshire Services Addiction Recovery Center in Dover. Then he spent three months in what he describes as a halfway house. McLoed said he has been …
Read more on Foster’s Daily Democrat