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How Do You Deal With Grief?

Question by Epona Willow: How do you deal with grief?
We were trying to adopt our two grandsons that live in the U.K. (we live in the U.S.) we were denied and they are being adopted out to strangers separately. We feel lost and do not know how to deal with our grief.
Thanks to all of you that answered. We really do appreciate your thoughts and opinions.

Best answer:

Answer by familycomputerclub
Love is the only way to deal with grief. But why grieve? Your grandsons will find happy homes in their own environment.

What do you think? Answer below!


Volunteer opportunities

Filed under: grief counseling books

Methodist Hospice needs volunteers to provide grief support, education and resources to patients and their families. Training provided. … Memphis Public Library: Sort books, process orders and assist in the bookstore. Bibles for China Thrift Center …
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… had not planned to write a book. It just evolved over a decade. During years of teaching a grief counseling course at Community Church she realized that many of the emotional responses and hurt were from events during childhood that had not been …