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How Do People Afford Marriage Counseling?

Question by royandkat: How do people afford marriage counseling?
My husband and I of 13 years both agree that we desperately need marriage counseling. We’ve checked and our insurance doesn’t cover it and the average cost is $ 100 per weekly session, which we absolutely CANNOT afford. We know that counseling would help us and our church doesn’t offer anything other than speaking privately with the pastor. We want something ongoing and long term. What do people do in this situation?

Best answer:

Answer by Bobbie
Most ministers in the “major” churches have very qualified counselors, Lutheran, Catholic Presbyterian. It’s considered part of their services to their “flock”. Or, you may ask the secular ones if the will do any pro-bono work or if they can recommend a place.


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Marriage and Family Counseling Lecture 09 – Dr. John Street teaches a course on Marriage and Family Counseling. The Master’s Seminary –