How Do Liberals Feel About Their Grandmother Who May Have Alzheimers or Dementia?
Question by getagrip: How do liberals feel about their grandmother who may have alzheimers or dementia?
under obamas “end of life” care counseliing, how do you feel about government lawyers helping your ailing parents or grandparents with their last wills and testaments? what if your parents or grandparents were too senile to be “counselled” on these matters?
the counselling included last wills and testaments, hardly anything a doctor would counsel a patient for!
“KQED” is slanted in a liberal bias, hardly someone who can debunk this. I’ve read the part of the bill I am questioning. It’s too loose. Read the bill.
Best answer:
Answer by ckm1956
There were no government lawyers or death panels.
The counseling (now off the table) was to compensate doctors for the time they spent counseling their own patients.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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