How Do I Deal With Alcoholic Parent?
Question by volleyball12: How do I deal with alcoholic parent?
My mom started drinking when I was 6 years old. There are times in my life where she has been there for me and when she is she is the best mother a girl could ask for. She is rarely ever there though. I am 16 years old and I have so many horrifying memories caused by her addiction. I remember when I was in middle school she ran into a bus when drunk and EVERYONE was talking about it, I was 11 years old and I had never felt so mortified. She has been to jail for 7 months and could be going back again. I can’t remember how many countless times I have bad to keep her from falling or wondered if I would come home from school to find her drunk or even dead. She has caused my life so much pain. She’s gone to the extreme if jumping off of our 3 story balcony to get alcohol. I don’t know what to do anymore, my life is good I have a loving dad and sister, and a family that is more then willing to help but all I have ever wanted is a mom. I don’t know how to cope anymore, I just need some advice. I have been to counseling too. Nothing seems to help.
Best answer:
Answer by rainbow butterfly
My mother has addiction problems of another kind, that are overwhelming at times.
I remind myself to remain strong, in spite of all the heartache.
I owe this to me.
And, I do not want to cause my father additional suffering of any sort.
Your mother will lead her own life, as she sees fit.
Free will is a concept, for better or worse.
Thank your lucky stars for your daddy and sister – two out of three ain’t bad.
Perhaps your mother will find her way, when she is sick and tired of being sick and tired.
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