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How Do I Cope With My Mom……?

Question by nitsrek: how do i cope with my mom……?
my moved in with my 72 y.o. aging mom after the unexpected death of her son (my brother). aside from myself, my mom also has six remaining siblings and an elder daughter (my big sister).

my mom had a mild stroke a month after my bro’s death. the doctors gave her a prognosis of near-full recovery, and her insurance would definitely cover grief counseling.

unfortunately, she’s opted out of healing from the stroke or my bro’s death. anything she can do for herself or one of us could pay to have someone else do, she indirectly/manipulatively tries to get me to do it, which i refuse to do because i hate being manipulated due to newly established emotional/psychological boundaries.

since my mom has chosen not to heal, and since i won’t play her games and teach my son to follow my lead, we have to deal with her misdirected negative energy, which many in and outside of our family don’t approve of.

since she’s not acting like a mom, it’s been horribly hard trying to react to her like a daughter. there have definitely been time when i’ve lost my cool, but for some reason i don’t regret it.

my son and i have just five months to go before he finishes school so we can move out (without having him be the new kid at yet another new school) and never look back. i feel that i’ve done all i could, and since i had a pretty nice life before moving in with my mom, i want that life back in a bad way.

any advice on how to get through the coming months without completely snapping would be greatly appreciated. despite the pure evil this woman has turned into, she is an elder after all.

many thanks,

Best answer:

Answer by artemis
i dont totaly understand where your going here but if this is right u have a correct answer so your mum has mental problems and is mean ok the best answer i can think of is only show love and happyness around her maybey it will give her a impression and be nice to her and even known its hard try showing her love a child would and not teenager love like 6 year old kid love im 13 and my mum always is getting up me and when i block my ears she yells louder so i just listen to her and show her affectin and thank her 4 stupid stuff like dinner

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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