How Can You Tell the Difference Between a Moody Teen and Depression?
Question by sarah: How can you tell the difference between a moody teen and depression?
What if you have all the signs of depression, but it is on and off? Let’s say Monday you feel “depressed”. Tuesday you feel okay and hang out with friends. Wednesday you are feeling “depressed” again. And ect. What do you do if you feel depressed, but do not believe there is a chemical imbalance in your brain and you don’t believe you need medication? What if you feel down all the time, but it is not harming your lifestyle? Should you be concerned, or is it just the kind of things that happen to teens?
Best answer:
Answer by zing
You talk to them. You ask how they’re feeling.
If you’re that worried, you take them to a REAL doctor.
Better safe than sorry.
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