How Can I Quite My Hydrocodone Addiction?
Question by : How can I quite my hydrocodone addiction?
I was prescribed Vicodin a year ago after a surgery. Although I hated taking pills at the time, my doctor convinced me that I would need them, which I did. I took them for a month. When I stopped, I was diagnosed with endometriosis AND pelvic inflammatory disease. Which in turn, my doctor gave me more and more Vicodin because the pain was unbearable. After taking them for a total of 3 months, I went off of them. Found myself craving them and withdrawing from them. Which made me make up stories about being in pain for MONTHS to get them. And when she stopped giving them to me all together, I started “Doctor shopping”…
I knew I needed some kind of help this past week when I went to see my current doc, and told him about a fake muscle pain in my chest. So instead of send me for ex-rays, or to a specialist, what does he do? Prescribes me 120 vicodin with 2 REFILLS!!! The absolute most I have ever been prescribed! So I sit here with all this vic, and I am just unhappy with my decisions and made the choice to stop. But how? I have tried a good 6 or 7 times. Its hard! I never take more then 6 a day. I cant afford rehab. I cant bring myself to tell my family OR my doctor. What do I do? I have a good life and dont want to mess it up with a horrible habit and addiction.
Best answer:
Answer by Susan M
Take less every day. Then when you are down to one a day, skip a day. One today, none tomorrow, one the next day. If you hate it don’t take it. It is a relief when you are in pain, nothing more. Don’t give it more power than it actually has.
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