How Can a Person Come “Quitting Alcohol” Position?
Question by voyager: how can a person come “quitting alcohol” position?
researches say that every alcohol addictions start with few,social drinking. than it sometimes becomes big problem and serious desiease. so does it means firstly we dont start drinking? and after alcoholism how can a person prepare her/himself want to quit it? cos main thing is want to do it.
Best answer:
Answer by Good Man
It is true that occasional drinking (socially) becomes an addict and very few alcoholics have the courage and confidence to quit drinking. One should have positive mind and ambition to quit drinking. I quit drinking after my drinking for 35 years. Alcoholic Anonymous (spread world over) also could be contacted.
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Shots, Energy Drinks Lead To Alcohol, Drug Addiction: Study
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A new research finds energy drinks among young teens lead to addiction and is strongly associated with any form of drug in the later part of life. It also says even high soft drinks can lead to similar things. Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, from the …
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Virginia Ironside's dilemmas: How can I help my son with his alcohol addiction?
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Then, realising it wasn't as easy as that, I went along with the idea that only way for an alcoholic to recover was for them to join the 12-step programme of Alcoholics Anonymous, the fundamental premise of which is that you are “powerless over alcohol”.
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NGO seeks tie-up with bodies to raise awareness on addiction
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"Addiction to alcohol and drugs is a highly prevalent problem and according to the WHO estimates, 10 per cent of any population has a tendency towards these addictions," Founder and Director of Hope Trust, Rahul Luther told reporters here yesterday.
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