How Bad Is This? and What Can I Do About It (Involves Children)?
Question by Anouska: how bad is this? And what can i do about it (involves children)?
my boyfriends mother is constantly shouting at her 3 year old, she even seems to shout at him BEFORE he’s even done anything wrong. for example he will walk out the door and she will say something like, DONT YOU DARE GO IN MY F*CKIN ROOM! when he is getting a drink or something.
He is a very naughty child, but i think this is due to the fact that he has been shouted at so much is it pretty much immune to it. The dad has recently gone to work abroad however he doesn’t seem to affected by this, infact he couldn’t wait for him to go, because he knows he can get away with more.
the problem is, since the father left the mother seems to have no control over the child she is constantly shouting and swearing at him and although she HARDLY ever smacks him, she did this morning and it was like 5 times in a row. When me and my boyfriend baby sit him he perfectly fine and behaves…
he is a happy child, im just worried this is going to affect him in the long run. i cant phone social services obviously and i knoww they wont do anythign just over shouting.
i cant talk to her about it, ive tried dropping hints, someone has said something before…she just showed them the door.
Best answer:
Answer by Devon
talk to her about it
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