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Health & Information, March 2013


Health & Information, March 2013 – Dr. James Bissland visits with Kathleen Long, LPC,LADC about mental health, mental health’s affects on physical health, as well as the educational requiremen…


Bell runs risk of phoning it in

Filed under: mental health counselling

Dr. Quynn Morehouse, a student counsellor at Sheridan said she likes seeing an effort being made to rid the stigma associated with mental health, but is apprehensive about Bell possibly using the event as a marketing tool. “I'm a little weary when they …
Read more on The Sheridan Sun (blog)


Charity calls for more help with mental health

Filed under: mental health counselling

Mr Le Feuvre said: "We want to spread the message that just like with a physical illness you should go and see your doctor as soon as you notice symptoms; that with mental health you should do the same. It's about catching it early. It's also important …
Read more on Channel Television