Graphic Ads Used to Fight Meth Addiction
Graphic ads used to fight meth addiction – Montana is fighting the battle against methamphetamine addiction, one of the most destructive and dangerous drugs in history, with a graphic in-your-face ad campaign targeted at teens. Ben Tracy reports.
Sex and Meth: Cross-Addiction Finds a High-End Niche
Filed under: meth addiction
"Sexual disorders and behavioral addictions will be one of the top two mental health issues of the coming decade." Those words from Robert Weiss, a licensed clinical social worker who has been treating sex addicts for 22 years. Three years ago, Weiss …
Recovering addict turned advocate: Boise man helps students stay away from …
Filed under: meth addiction
"I believe methamphetamine is the most addictive drug out there," Howard said. "It swallowed me whole." 25 years after his first encounter with meth, Howard is now sober six years. But, the emotional scars of his addiction remain. "The one time I did …
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