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Franklin Reading Frost’s Tuft of Flowers (“We Work Together”) 04/13/11 Portland, OR


Franklin reading Frost’s Tuft of Flowers (“we work together”) 04/13/11 Portland, OR – Franklin Cook, SAVE Director of Survivor and Bereavement Programs (see reads a Robert Frost poem about working together at the conclusion of a meeting of 32 survivor community leaders, along with other experts and supporters of the cause, at a brainstorming meeting in Portland, Oregon, on Apr. 13, 2011, on the topic of what it would take to create a network of Suicide Bereavement Support Groups in the United States.


Help from those who have felt your pain

Filed under: bereavement support groups

The thinking behind Cruse groups, she adds, is that the bereaved “help other people to help themselves”. Members can go to group meetings as and when they feel. “You may feel you are fine, and then months on you will have a wobbly and fall apart.
Read more on The Times (subscription)


Pregnancy, newborn grief support group to skip January meeting

Filed under: bereavement support groups

In Our Hearts Forever, a grief support group for those who have experienced a pregnancy loss, stillbirth or newborn death, will skip its regular monthly meeting in January, as it would have taken place on New Year's Day. In Our Hearts Forever offers …
Read more on VOICE of Wisconsin Rapids (blog)