Florida Auto Accident Resulting in Death?
Question by Wayne S: Florida Auto accident resulting in death?
A friend was killed recently in auto crash due to having a heart attack, without a pre-existing condition, he died instantly at the wheel and his vehicle went out of control. His vehicle hit another vehicle and tragically killed the passenger in the vehicle, a mother and wife of two children. My friends widow even in her grief is concerned that the other family may file a law suit against her for “wrongful death”. I advised her to seek legal advice from an attorney, but, I am curious as to the answer to this situation as I considered this might fall under an “Act of God” or something.
Best answer:
Answer by lukky
I would tell her not to worry. And no attorney is necessary. Thats what insurance is for. If they do sue, they will have to go through the insurance company. And if they do file a claim against her personally…even then you insurance company should provide legal council.
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Stages of Grief After Death – Cold Water by Damien Rice – A movie displaying the stages of grief after death. (Bargaining is the only stage left out)