Family Trouble. Need Help?
Question by Bella: Family trouble. need help?
When I was a kid, my fahter used to tease me when a boy liked me. So much that it made me want to hide all feelings and thoughts about boys from my family because of it. It has turned into hell as an adult. I met someone and decided to not intro him to my family. Even after he asked me to marry him. In the mean time, I got pregnant and lost the baby and 9 mos after that, my Fiancé was killed in a construction accident in the south while helping his father. It was then that I told my family everything. They supported me for 3 days and that was that. It has been a few yrs since he died and over that time, I found out that no one believes me that he existed. I have proof but I dont want to share it because it is a video of us “togehter” so it is a personal thing. Everyone has treated me so badly and I have had no one help me deal with his loss. Not long ago my best friend of 13yrs died and no one was there for me for that either. I feel so alone. What should I do about family and this?
Best answer:
Answer by Babs
awwwwww im so sorry to hear about that that must be so harsh you should tell tem and if they dont understand the way you do theres dr.phil
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