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Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy Jim Bugental Clip


Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy Jim Bugental Clip – For more information about this video, visit In the full video, legendary clinician and teacher James Bugental conducts two actual psychotherapy sessions with the same client, and puts his techniques into practice such as facilitating client and therapist presence, working with resistance, balancing confrontation with support, and guiding clients into the search process.


Do Non-Discrimination Policies Justify Transgender Perversion?

Filed under: humanistic counseling

They need our prayers….and professional Christian counseling….and the truth. They don't need to be given a locker room where they are … We have wandered into the desert of humanistic philosophy. We have allowed it to replace our allegiance to the …
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Reform And Reality

Filed under: humanistic counseling

That's what I call directive counseling, coming from a psychiatrist. I think of that day whenever I … Maybe, as Dr. Watts writes, “We have so much science crammed into our brains we lose touch with humanistic practices and values. Perhaps, we fear we …
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