Executive Rehab in Paradise – Hawaii Island Recovery
Executive Rehab in Paradise – Hawaii Island Recovery – Executive Rehab located in Kona, Hawaii – Hawaii Island Recovery Visit www.hawaiiislandrecovery.com | Call 866-515-5032 Dr. John Hibscher, Psychologist and Director of Clinical Services, explains how clients can regain their life fully in mind, body and spirit through some of the many unique therapy programs offered here. ***Get free airfare with every 60 or 90 day paid program***
Nadya Suleman 'Octomom' in Rehab for Xanax and Dad Concerned of Alcohol …
Filed under: exclusive alcohol rehab
Nadya Suleman, or "Octomom" as she's better known, has entered rehab for prescription drug addiction while her father also says she has an alcohol problem. The 37-year-old entered the Chapman House Drug Rehabilitation Center in Orange County, …
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