Dr. Jamie Marich at Kripalu- “Trauma and the Twelve Steps”- 11/30-12/2
Dr. Jamie Marich at Kripalu- “Trauma and the Twelve Steps”- 11/30-12/2 –
What's happening today in the north valley
Filed under: addiction 12 steps
Weekly. Pills Anonymous: 4-5 p.m. Program of recovery based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous recognizing prescription drug addiction; cross-addicted and multiple-substance addicted attendees welcome. Congregational Church, 1190 E. First Ave.
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Rescuing cocaine-induced prefrontal cortex hypoactivity prevents compulsive …
Filed under: addiction 12 steps
Scale bars represent 0.1 mm and 1 mm in the left and right images, respectively. b, Shock-resistant prelimbic cortex neurons required more current to elicit firing with a 2-ms current step. Top, examples of sub-threshold membrane …. We focused on the …
Read more on Nature.com
Living in poverty: Help shrinks as poor spikes in the U.S.
Filed under: addiction 12 steps
Hammond says he ended up in Baltimore three years ago, addicted to crack cocaine and snorting heroin, living in abandoned buildings where “the rats were fierce,” and financing his addiction by breaking into cars and stealing copper pipes out of …
Read more on The Times and Democrat