Do You Think This Is Rude And/or Insensitive?
Question by Delilah: Do you think this is rude and/or insensitive?
7 months ago, my younger brother passed away. Needless to say, this has been a very painful and difficult time for me and my family as we grieve his loss. On three separate occasions, with 3 different people who I am acquainted with through a community organization, when I mentioned the death of my brother, not one of them said, “My condolences,” “I’m sorry for your loss.” or just, “I’m sorry.” One of the people I mentioned this to in person, and the other two via e-mail. I feel it is common courtesy, and just basic decency to at least say, “I’m sorry,” when someone tells you they lost a loved one, even if they are relative strangers. What do you think?
I want to say, “thank you” to all of you who replied here with kindness, empathy, warmth, and sensitivity to another human being’s sorrow.
God bless you!
Best answer:
Answer by jmprince01
i am (truely) sorry for your loss. i think i’d feel the same way you do for someone to not acknowledge this to you. i agree with you.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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