“Diagnosed at Age 37 – Breast Cancer in Dense Tissue.” (On OneWorld)
“Diagnosed at age 37 – Breast Cancer In Dense Tissue.” (on OneWorld) – Esther Duncan has no Breast Cancer in her immediate family. She does not smoke; exercises regulalrly and is very proactive about health and well-being. Becau…
District court news
Filed under: screening counseling
Brittany Ann Hockemeyer, 22, East Chippewa River Road, impaired driving on April 15, $ 850 fines and costs, nine months probation, may not use or possess drugs or alcohol, subject to random drug and alcohol screening, attend counseling (H). Allen D.
Read more on Midland Daily News
Addressing Psychological Impacts of Genetic Testing on Patients, Families
Filed under: screening counseling
Introduction: Actress Angelina Jolie's decision to have a prophylactic double mastectomy after discovering she had a genetic mutation that put her at high risk for breast cancer has raised awareness about genetic screening. Genetic counselors can help …
Read more on Newswise (press release)