Depression and SAD Are Affecting Me in School, Please Help!??!?
Question by HelloBeautiful731: Depression and SAD are affecting me in school, please help!??!?
So a few months ago I asked this question in the mental health section but didn’t get too many answers. It is unlikley anyone here understands but here we go..thanks for any answers:)
I have been getting F’s in my core classes all this year. Mid term just passed and my teachers have been constantly yelling at me to the point of me crying.
They told my dad that if i dont start getting A’s and B’s that i either have to get held back or go to a alternative school an hour away!!
Its not that im dumb but these things ive developed have really been affecting me.
Before you say get help, its not possible. My family probably cant afford counceling and wouldn’t believe me anyways. If i bring it up i just get the whole “oh its just adolescents”.
Social anxiety affects me because i can not work in groups with people who i don’t know, do speeches, im scared to death of my teachers because all they do is yell and embarrass me infront of the class, and i cant work in quite places with out being scared ill make a noise and be noticed.
Depression because i really cant see any light in life any more. I dont imagine it will matter because i cant see making it through highschool alive honestly. Ive just given up on myself really along with everyone else. I have too much stuff in my mind and i cant get myself to do work when im sad. Every day i just go home and cry and cut amd then i cant focus.
I live with my dad and hes a total pushover who doesnt make me do anything which isnt helpful.
I just dont know what to do about this. Its just gotten too far and it needs to stop but idk how??
Is this a reasonable reason to do bad in school or does it sound Like an excuse?
Thankyou 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by cc89705
Do you have a counselor at school? What about a social worker? I don’t know but as a father with kids I urge you to get some help. There is help out there you need to seek it out though. Have you sat down with your dad and told him everything you have written on here? Please get some help, reading this was hard 🙁 Hang in there…..
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