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Dealing With Pet Loss: Comforting Wisdom From the Animals and the Course in Miracles


Dealing with pet loss: comforting wisdom from the animals and the Course in Miracles – a clip from “Love can Never Die” DVD, a talk given in Vancouver, B.C. on Mar 23, 2010. Shiri Joshua, founder of the Canadian Centre for Pet Loss Bereavement …


Muzter the restless

Filed under: loss bereavement

Death or separation from those whom we love is the reality of life to which we are exposed thorough out our lives; crying and death go side by side and mourning helps us to reestablish our personality in the face of an irreparable loss. In departed …


Hometown Heroes Ease the Pain of Loss

Filed under: loss bereavement

She found her neighbors often needed to share their grief and loss. In 2006, Roberts began holding weekly bereavement support sessions in a room at the Solera clubhouse. Small groups of four to nine people met for two hours at a time. In 2010, she met …