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Crisis and Grief Counselling


Crisis and Grief Counselling – A unique approach in coping with grief.


JCF fills 120 of 150 chaplaincy vacancies

Filed under: grief counselling

These chaplains will be able to do crisis intervention, critical incident stress debriefing, grief counselling and all the way up to the stage of executing official police funerals. What we are doing is positioning these persons from the station level …
Read more on Jamaica Observer


Ben Needham: Sister Leighanna explains the impact the disappearance of her

Filed under: grief counselling

Before I was born, she was going insane with grief. 'She had counselling and was advised to have another baby. At first she said she couldn't do it. It hurt her to have me. Now I understand. 'My mother is a strong, amazing woman. I admire her so much …
Read more on Daily Mail