Counseling Rehabilitation: Counseling: Rehabilitation for the Mind
The functional and emotional changes that occur within the brain as a result of psychological counseling
There are many potential reasons why someone might want and/or need to seek counseling. Most of these reasons are purely psychological. But occasionally, mental problems (if untreated) can manifest themselves as physical ones. The old saying, “it’s all in your head”, is completely rooted in reality. The mind is an amazing machine, make no mistake, it controls everything. Experts are still confounded at the way the brain works the way it does. Unlocking the secrets of the human mind may just be around the corner though. In the last decade or so, scientists have made giant strides in further identifying how the brain functions and how emotions play into overall mental health. Until the day arrives when we have a more elegant solution for dealing with psychological issues, counseling may be the next best solution.
What’s the typical counseling procedure? Evaluation of mental health needs.
Assessing risks and psychological testing.
Theory formation: A theory is put forth that seeks to explain the difficulties that the patient is facing.
Application of therapy: possible therapies/solutions could be verbal and/or pharmacological.
Records and reports: A thorough record of applied therapies and results is kept to ensure progress.
Final evaluation: Once treatment has commenced, the patient will undergo a final evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the treatment and determine whether or not additional treatment is necessary.
8 most common reasons that people seek counseling:
Marital / relationship problems
Career adjustment / job stress
Emotional problems
The passing of a loved one
Adapting to big changes
Mental disorders
The Brain
The human mind seems to process information on multiple sets of levels. Different parts of the brain are concerned with different bits of information. While all of this is going on, individual parts are cross communicating and sending the accumulated information to others sections for analysis and understanding (reasoning). Think of the mind as an extremely complex, looping feedback circuit, that processes information on a number of different levels. It is thought that psychological problems arise when information is processed incorrectly; or perhaps one portion of the mind (like the portion associated with ego) simply refuses to accept the truth. Most psychological problems seem to be a kind of buffer, or defense mechanism for dealing with something that is too stressful, difficult or painful to accept. Counseling offers us a means to correct or influence these issues in a subtle way, allowing the afflicted to reason things out internally, both consciously and subconsciously.
What’s going on inside the mind during a counseling session?
The counseling procedure is a collaborative process between the patient and counselor. The counselor’s job is to help the patient determine the root causes of their difficulties and provide them with a way of dealing with them. The counselor cannot force change on the patient, they can only show them to a way out. The changes in the mind brought on during counseling occur through one or more of the following channels. Possible solutions Improving communication skills Encouragement of behavioral changes Development of coping mechanisms Self-esteem growth Goal identification
Seeking out the aid of a counselor is an excellent idea if you are unable to deal with certain difficulties on your own. To seek counseling is not a sign of weakness as most might believe that to be. A trained external observer may be able to provide clearer objectives and direction towards better emotional wellbeing.
I’m Son Stallworth most of the time I spend my time writing in my article, Come and visit and have some fun in reading: Read more: counselling
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